Monday, May 25, 2009


I just got the Falcon biochem book, which we'll be using for the next week. It's big, scary, and I don't think I like it. In the next 6 days, we've got about 600 pages of material to cover. If you thought studying for a med school exam was bad, try studying for an exam that covers 2 years of med school, in 7 weeks! I do not like particularly enjoy biochem, but I'm going to be living it for the next while. Actually, Falcon in general is about to get a lot more intense.

Up to this point, we've mostly been covering foundation stuff and things which are either relatively low yield, or I was already strong in. However, the most important stuff (like pharm, path, and micro) are coming up starting this week, until the end of the course. It's gonna be a rough few weeks, but hopefully it will pay off on the step.

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