Friday, May 15, 2009

2 days of cellular? really?

Today was one of our days off (we typically get them when we finish a section), but I think it is going to wind up much needed, as tomorrow we start two days of cell. i really have no idea what we're going to do with two days of such a low-yield topic. We only spent three days each on the whole of anatomy and neuro, but they think we need 2 days of cell? I guess we'll just have to see what happens tomorrow when we get our books. They were supposed to be giving us our books a day or two before each section, but that has not happened yet, so we have no idea what we're in for. At the very worst, I'll just have another couple days to go through anatomy and neuro.

On the positive side, USMLE World questions are still going well. If you haven't used USMLE World, it's a pretty excellent program. It has a tutor mode for every question which is fantastic. Whether you get the question right or wrong, it gives you about a paragraph explanation for each answer choice, and why it was right or wrong. So, it winds up being a really great way to refresh your memory, or sometimes pick up something new. For example, it may ask you which artery would be injured in a particular bone fracture. If you get it right, that's great, but either way, it will also tell you which type of fracture would cause all of the other answer choice's injuries! So, you wind up refreshing or learning 5 artery injuries, not just the one in the question. After 2,000 or so questions in the q-bank, each having about 5 answer choices with a paragraph explanation of each, you wind up covering an awful lot of info. I'm still not sure when I'll be ready to take the step. But, whenever I am, I'm pretty confident that I'll really be ready, and able to do well. I'm hoping for a 240 or better, and I really think (hope) I can pull it off.

Now, I better get some sleep, because staying awake the next two days is going to be hard enough, without being tired.

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