Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why I hope you will vote for Obama

I have already mentioned, in a previous blog post, one of the numerous reasons that I will not be voting for McCain. Largely, I will not support a candidate who thinks that his religious ideals have any place in his political decisions. Because of his religious beliefs, none of which are logical or could withstand a single inquiry for proof, he is against stem cell research, against abortion, and against gay marriage. As I'm in medical school, I strongly disagree with his views on abortion. I hate to be so blunt, but if you seriously believe that a soul enters the body (if you can call it a body) as soon as conception occurs and that somehow, this life is just as valuable as the life of someone who is currently living, breathing, dreaming, and quite possibly, suffering, should have your head examined. Seriously, do it now, because there are people dying every day because of of others who share your similarly absurd beliefs. Anyway, enough about McCain.

So why shouldn't you vote for Hillary? Well aside from the fact that she is ultra liberal, believes that healthcare is an entitlement (one which small businesses should be forced to pay for), and the fact that as first lady, she was the leader of one of the largest political failures in recent times, Obama is just a better leader than she is. While she likes to talk big talk about how experienced she is, and how she is action while Obama is just words, her record can't back her up.

I just read a very interesting article by a lady who actually took the time to research what Obama and Clinton had done during their time as senator. It is a very unbiased article and I recommend you read it. Basically, it shows that while Clinton has introduced plenty of nice sounding bills (almost all related to women and children), a large portion of them never got a co-sponser, few passed, and they were limited in scope. Obama's bills, on the other hand, addressed much larger issues, had more co-sponsors, and were more likely to pass. As I would hope that our next president would be a strong leader and address all of the important issues facing our country, it seems obvious to me that Obama is the best choice for president. The article can be found here

Also, doesn't Hillary just seem a little desperate lately? She had to give her own campaign $5 million, while Obama breaks fundraising records, she hasn't congratulated him on a single one of his sweeping wins, and is singing her own praises on things that he's actually better with! If Clinton really cared about her party winning this presidential race, she would withdraw now and help to unite her whole party behind one strong candidate. Perhaps she hasn't read nearly every poll, which predicts that Obama may beat McCain, but she will not. I am a registered republican, but I will be voting Democrat in this election (once Obama secures the party nomination). Please join me in doing the same.

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