Sunday, January 6, 2008

Stop voting for Mike Huckabee!!!!!

What were you thinking, Iowa? I am proud to be an American and mostly, I love the US. But, the fact that Huckabee is a serious presidential candidate, especially that he has won a single state already, really makes me lose a little faith in my fellow citizens. Huckabee is quite proud of his religious views; religious views which should disqualify him from holding any political office. And, I don't say this because I personally disagree with his opinions, but because he is dead wrong in his views and lacks the ability to tell reality from a fairy tale. There are two MAJOR reasons that Huckabee should not get a single American's vote in this race.

First, Huckabee has plainly stated that all creatures were all created at once and evolution is not the way it happened. Well, I've got news for all of you who agree with him...YOU ARE WRONG. Similarly to the fact that the earth is round and gravity holds us to the ground, this is not up for debate and there is no possibility that you could be right. Humans evolved, and that's all there is to it. This has been confirmed and reconfirmed by scientists, backed up by irrefutable evidence. Conversly, there is not a single shred of evidence for creationism, anywhere, outside of the glaringly flawed bible. Any person who believes in creationism, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, has seriously flawed reasoning abilities and should not be a serious contender for political office. If they can so blindly believe something so wrong as creationism, then who knows what else they are able to doubt. Gilbert Omenn of the University of Michigan stated, "The logic that convinces us that evolution is a fact is the same logic we use to say smoking is hazardous to your health or we have serious energy policy issues because of global warming," A president that does not believe in the evolution argument may not believe in those issues either!

Second, Huckabee, like Bush, is against stem cell research. And he's against it because of the flawed belief that first, stem cells are equivalent to humans and second, that we'd have to produce and then kill new embryos to get the stem cells. The first argument is wrong because, well, it's just ridiculous! If you really believe that the value of a single cell is equal to that of a paralyzed teenager or a grandfather with Alzheimer's disease, then I'd argue that your priorities are seriously twisted. Really the only thing that I question about evolution is the fact that such beliefs and character traits have not yet been selected out of human life! And, the second argument, that we'd be destroying lives, is equally as absurd. I find it both amusing and disturbing that people never complain about in vitro fertilization, but yet this is where the stem cells come from!! Presumably because it's such a nice thing for couples having difficulty conceiving, but more likely because they know that any attempts to go against IVF would be met with a great deal of hostility. I suppose that these people are not aware that in the process of IVF, many eggs are fertilized, but never used. They're simply not needed anymore, once a child is conceived. So, the other eggs are either thrown out, or frozen beyond their viable shelf life!!! Yes, you heard it right, they're THROW OUT or DIE. So, doesn't it make a bit more sense to use these embryos, which will be destroyed anyway, to further certain life saving medical research?

Come on, Americans, stop voting for these people. Do you really want people with these beliefs running your country? Most unfortunately though (and very sadly), about 2/3 of Americans agree with Huckabee. For a developed nation, it would seem we're not all horribly developed.


Trixie the Pixie said...

So, this isn't really relevant, but you seem to know a decent amount about computer stuff... I brought back a linksys router with me and the whole Vonage thing... and after trying for over 2 hours, I can't get any of it to work. I tried the setup thing and followed it step-by-step but still not working. How did you set up your wireless router? Did you do it through CaribServe?

I am trying to figure this out so that I don't have to call them... because it would take them weeks to send someone down here, as we all know. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Scott said...

Sorry, but I don't use Vonage or Linksys. But, I do have caribserve and set up my router just fine. I used the instructions on Caribserve's website. they were actually pretty useful. Past that though, I'm afraid I can't be a whole lot of help. I do hope you don't have to call them though! I can only imagine..

Unknown said...

Start voting for whomever you like.

So, it is a good thing that you are proud to be an American because it is this great country that allows the freedom for you to make such absurd statements. First of all, you are singling out Huckabee for his religious beliefs, but everyone who is running as a presidential candidate, republican or democrat, is Christian, thus fundamentally believing the same “fairy tales” as Huckabee. I can be quite certain in the assumption that every candidate, as Christians, believe in creationism rather than evolution. So according to you, not a single candidate is qualified to be a leader of the same great nation that allows you to believe whatever you wish because they believe something different than you. Please see the idiocracy in this.

See, the problem with atheism is the arrogance that usually comes with this new revelation of ultimate reasoning. To repeat myself, this nation is great because it was founded on the principles of allowing people the freedom to go out on the street and scream “I love God” or “I don’t believe in gods.” So, since you seem to practice the same disrespect and arrogance as most atheist, at least try to be a good American citizen of the country you claim to love and are proud of and let others believe in God as they allow you not to. Besides, if atheism just represents your disbelief in gods, then why would you need to go around as if you have this great revelation of reason and criticize theism? What is your purpose? What are you trying to save those that do believe in God from? You claim to be atheist as many do but act more like an anti-theist instead.
We all have the ability to reason. It is this reason that allows some to believe in a loving God in which ultimate salvation into eternal bliss can be attained, and others use their reasoning skills to believe that we evolved from monkeys and will eventually evolve into perfection and utopia. Now use your ultimate atheistic reasoning skills to see that both circumstances take an abundance of faith. As theist we choose to put trust in something much larger and in control than ourselves. We choose to put our faith in a perfect God, creation, and eternal life with this God after death. As atheist you choose to put your trust in the science and reasoning of other men. Faith in men who have lived and died, or are living and will die. Reason would show that faith in a supreme everlasting being makes more sense than faith in the wisdom of other men. As you put hope in the fact that your reasoning skills are above that of the word of God, I put hope in the fact that if I submit to the supremacy of God I shall enjoy eternity in heaven. What it comes down to is the fact that we are both living our lives. We are both enjoying our lives. Death is inevitable though, and there is where the difference lays. If your atheistic reasoning is right then we die and that’s it we just die. I didn’t miss out on anything in life or death. But if your atheistic reasoning is wrong, then you have missed out in life and certainly in death. The truth is that by believing in the God of Abraham and then the fact that this God revealed himself as Jesus, you have absolutely nothing to lose yet everything to gain.
Back to the politicians. You apparently base your beginning and end on your ultimate skills of reasoning, but these skills seem to be lacking. You find it foolish that a nation of 85% Christian would elect Christian candidates. I find it foolish that you should think this. As for your first reason, the fact that Huckabee believes in creationism, like mentioned before all the candidates surely believe this way. As for your faith in the fact that evolution has been proven, you should really reconsider. Evolution has absolutely not been proven and for as many facts that would prove evolution there are as many to disprove it. You believe science is the reason for not believing in gods. I believe science only helps to prove the existence of God and follows the word of God.

Scott said...

Thanks for the comment. Sorry that I did not approve it sooner, but I didn't have time to respond before. I am singling out Huckabee simply because he happened to win the first state of the primaries on the day that I wrote that post. However, I am more against him than many of the other candidates because, while the others are also unfortunately religious, they do not all believe that religion has a place in politics, as he does. He has made a couple of absolutely infuriating statements, statements which should disqualify him for the presidency. These include statements that the Constitution ought to be changed to better reflect the word of god, and that he is a soldier of god's army, a soldier of christ. Both of these things make my blood boil. But, you're right, I do not feel that a single candidate is really qualified to be the leader of this great nation. I do not see this as idiocracy, but rather extraordinarily unfortunate for the country. Now on to the issues which you have brought up...

First, I don't care what people do on their own time. I don't care how silly or outlandish your beliefs are. What I do care about, however, is when people allow their ridiculous personal beliefs affect others, especially in politics. Religion, and all of its associated nonsense, is directly responsible for the slow down of potentially life changing and saving medical research. People are denied the freedom to love in the ways they choose and could be denied the ability to choose if they will or will not have a child. How many more people must die in the middle east, in a war based squarely in religion? I feel the need to criticize theism because of all of the terrible things that it brings to the world. And make no mistake, all of the good things derived from religion could be obtained in many other, less harmful, ways.

Yes, all humans are endowed with the innate ability to reason. It just so happens that some choose to ignore that ability. To say that reasoning skills have led you to a belief in a loving god and ultimate salvation into eternal bliss, however, is evidence of a gross misunderstanding of the word "reasoning." It is certainly not the same thing that has allowed us to absolutely prove, through peer reviewed, reproducible scientific experimentation, that we have evolved from monkeys (closer to chimps, really, but that's for another day). Again, to say that reason suggests that it is better to believe an invisible man than a living being, is a misunderstanding of the word "reason." The questions of "what if you are wrong," is perhaps one of the most laughable that christians have offered up. What if you are wrong? Why should you believe that just because you happened to be born in this part of the world, where christianity is the dominant religion, that your god is the right god. If there were a god, chances are just as good that god would not be the christian god at all, but rather Zeus, Thor, Allah, Buddha, or any number of other Gods. Or maybe, god is a scientist; he would have to be to have created everything that you suppose he has. So maybe, he would value my inquiry and dismissal of the idea that he exists. I have chosen to use the free will that he supposedly gave me, rather than follow a book which is so clearly full of errors, contradictions, and atrocities.

Evolution absolutely has been proven. I'm aware that Christianity doesn't exactly encourage scientific inquiry, but do a little more research.