Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Since I felt (and still feel) like absolute crap, and didn't want to risk being sick in St. Maarten without power or water, I decided to come home for the week and try and recover here. Unfortunately, the mono did not decide to be any nicer to me on my birthday, and my tonsils are so swollen that I can barely swallow water. Taking a shower also sucks just about all of my energy out of me. This virus really is just not very considerate of the day!

But, I went to my doctor's office today (my real doctor who actually talks to me and gives me appropriate answers) and I have decided that I am going to kill the virus, for inconveniencing me today. He prescribed me prednisone to reduce the size of my tonsils and golf-ball-sized lymph nodes, and valacyclovir to try and kill the virus. Valacyclovir is not actually used for EBV yet (the virus that causes mono), but there have been clinical trials with it that have been very promising. In fact, in one trial, the virus was eradicated in 1 week from nearly everyone that took the drug! So, I'm just going to hope that it works for me! For those of you out there who were probably already thinking it, NO, I do not have herpes!

Aside from that, Heather is bringing me home Sushi from Joss (imo, the best sushi restaurant in the world) and a coldstone cake. I likely won't be able to get much down, but the little I do eat will be delicious! Oh, and I stopped at the grocery store today to get my prescriptions filled, and I was amazed at just how beautiful meat is, after seeing less-than-fresh meat for 2 years in St. Maarten. I forgot how red it is when it's fresh. And, I nearly forgot how nice a supermarket can look when it's properly stocked, labeled, and taken care of! I can't wait for my first major grocery trip at home when I'm healthy again! Some people on the island like to talk about how great the food is in St. Maarten. Well, I can tell you for sure, they have just been away from the US for a little too long, because the food on the island can't hold a candle to anything here.

1 comment:

Trixie the Pixie said...

I was personally blown away by the chicken when I came back -- I would almost describe the boneless breasts as absolutely gorgeous compared to the ones they were selling down on the island.

Anyway, I am sure Heather is taking good care of you and hope you get to feeling better soon!!