Friday, March 27, 2009

Broadcasting from the Anne Arundel Medical center!

After the past two days of having to come to the ER for IV rehydration and pain medication, they finally decided to admit me to the hospital. When I got here today, it had been over three days since I've had a single bit of food or liquid by mouth. I know that mono doesn't usually sound like a terribly debilitating disease, but let me be the first to tell you....IT SUCKS, A LOT! Literally just swallowing is excruciating, and without medicine, even drinking water is not even a minor possibility. When I came in to the hospital, I wanted to die.

But now, I've got a morphine drip hooked up with a magical little button that delivers me more every 10 minutes, IV toradol, and a bunch of steroids. It's also pretty likely that I've got a bacterial infection on top of all of this, so I'll probably have some antibiotics in there soon too. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, but they say at least 24 hours. I'm just worried that as soon as the IV's come out, I'll be right back to no sleep again. I guess they'll just have to taper down the pain meds eventually and see what happens. A few minutes ago, for the first time in a while, I had a major milestone...I ate my first bit of jello!! When you feel this bad, I guess it's the little things. But, on the plus side, I do have a private room with a TV and free internet connection. Time to watch some Cops, while I wait for Heather to get back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You need to ask if there's any way that they can push some testosterone and possibly some other male hormones for you!!!! Feel better dude!