Friday, March 20, 2009

And, Mono it is!

After being sick for 2 weeks now, I finally got tired of not knowing what was actually wrong with me. So, this afternoon, I took myself to the St. Maarten ER and requested a CBC, blood chemistry, and a mono spot. The doctor thought that sounded reasonable and went ahead with it, along with giving me a liter of fluid to help with dehydration. Not surprisingly (as my lymph nodes feel like golf balls), my monocytes and CRP (a measure of infection) are both very high. And, the test confirmed that I do, indeed, have mono! So, after 2 weeks of feeling like crap, it looks like I've got another 2 or more ahead of me! Couldn't have really come at a less convenient time, with Wine and Cheese tomorrow night and Fifth Semester Party next Saturday, both of which I'll almost surely be sick for. I'm supposed to teach CPR tomorrow but seeing as I can barely get myself to reach to my nightstand for water, I don't think I'll be waking up at 6am to go do that. grrrrrr....this is definitely the sickest I've ever been, or at least the longest!

Interesting note though for all the Americans out there...St. Maarten's lab will not run your lab tests unless you pay them first! After my labs had been ordered by the doctor, the lab tech came back, gave me a bill, and asked for my credit card! She then ran my card, got a signature from me, and then said, "thanks, now I can run the blood." Good think I remembered my credit card tonight!

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