Thursday, January 22, 2009

My first attempt at Tilt-Shift photography

OK, I'm cheating a lot here. I definitely do not have the money to buy a proper tilt-shift lens, so I faked it in photo shop. The idea is to take an actual place or object, and make it look like a picture of a tiny model (like a train set or something). To do it quickly in photoshop, duplicate the layer, apply a gaussian blur of about 15, and erase out a part of the blur. There may be better ways to do it, but this way takes about 15 seconds, and I think it gives a decent result. Make sure you lower the hardness of the erase brush way down.

tilt shift.jpg


Unknown said...

The foreground needs a little word, because it seems abrupt in places. Excellent work in the background area and great result overall!!!!!

Trixie the Pixie said...

Very cool.

Also, I miss those 5th semester Fridays... and Mondays... and Tuesdays... and... :)