Saturday, September 1, 2007

Fire Alarm

Well, at least we definitely know it works in the dorms, and it is LOUD!! If you haven't seen the dorm building, it's big, and it's actually kinda neat to see at night with strobe lights going off everywhere and students filing out of it.

In any case, I wanted to apologize, because it was my fault! :) I was steaming my shirts last night and forgot to turn the steamer off. Apparently, the smoke detector is pretty sensitive, because steam was all it took. I guess better it be sensitive than not work. Fortunately, it was pretty early and I doubt anyone was sleeping.


Vince said...

Hehehehe way to make friends and influence people. Glad to hear you made it down here OK and are adjusting.

Good luck in your classes. Here is a personal challenge: count the number of times professor G uses one of the following terms: holocrine, apocrine, or ecrine and try to keep a straight face when he says it. He is awesome!

Trixie the Pixie said...

Same prof Vince mentioned above also has a great definition of what a "hormone" is. Hopefully he'll tell you guys all about it!

Nick said...

ahh, the hormone joke...the "obvious" parallels between autocrine secretion and autoeroticism he made always amused me as well. Well Scott, thanks for our first dorm fire drill, it saved us from having to schedule one haha.
-Nick (4th floor RA)

Anonymous said...

a steam detector? man, what will they think of next.
and yes, whenever dr. g says any word that ends in "ine" it makes me happy.

Scott said...

My pleasure, Nick ;)

I'll look forward to Dr. G

Trixie the Pixie said...

Does anyone else remember when he was pretending to be an amoeba and was making those little hand gestures?