Thursday, February 12, 2009

Score one for science!

Below, I have copied the opening sentence of an article today from U.S.News:
"There's no scientific evidence that childhood vaccines such as the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine caused autism in children of parents seeking compensation from a federal fund, a U.S. court ruled Thursday."
If you're interested, here's the article:
If you did not already read my previous related blog post, I would like to remind everyone that numerous studies have shown absolutely no link between vaccines and autism. The much more likely explanation is that you get vaccines around the same time that autism is usually diagnosed. It would appear that parents want a better explanation as to why their children have autism, and this is the [nonsense] link that they have come up with. Hopefully this will end the debate, but I highly doubt that it'll be that easy. Why is it so hard to just accept what numerous large scientific studies show to be fact?

1 comment:

Trixie the Pixie said...

Kick. Ass.

Not that people will listen, of course. But it's always nice to have a copy of that article handy to pass off to the next parent who thinks that encephalitis is better than autism.