Sunday, February 22, 2009

library time

I really wish I had something more exciting to write about. I only have one hour of class left for basic sciences (not including ICM), and that's very exciting. But, I have loads of studying left to do. Unfortunately, AUC saw fit to change around the curriculum a couple of semesters ago so that now, instead of having the entire 5th semester to study for the step, we have class for much of the day, half the semester. Combined with ICM, this provides little time for additional study. So, although class is nearly over, I have had almost no time to study for the first NBME comprehensive exam, which is next Thursday. I am hoping that I can get enough done between now and then to at least pass the comp. The plan is to spend most of the rest of the week in the library. I'd like to get through Kaplan biochem and micro, along with Goljan path. If I can do that, I may just pull off a pass, which would greatly reduce my stress for the rest of the semester. So, I guess it's time for me to jump in the shower and head to the computer lab.

Hopefully, I will be able to find a computer that works for Kaplan, since apparently only about 1/3 of them work well enough to play the DVD's. Ahh...the wonders of going to school in the caribbean!

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