Thursday, November 29, 2007


So, we definitely just had an earthquake! I had just sat at my desk in my apartment to do some studying and I felt things start shaking. At first, I thought that a big jet was passing overheard. Then, it occurred to me that we are not in any flight path here and it would be very odd for a jet to be nearby. And, it was a lot stronger and lasted longer than an airplane would. So I stood up to see if I was imagining things, and it was definitely still there. So, I walked outside, and everyone else was outside too, asking everyone else if they felt it also. Then, I got an IM from friends that don't live on campus, and they felt it also! So, definitely an earthquake... albeit a little baby one. Don't damage and no one hurt. The internet even managed to not go down!! It can withstand an earthquake, but not rain....odd.

Turns out, it came from Martinique, where there was a magnitude 7 earthquake today. No idea what it wound up being here, but nowhere near a 7. Is it weird that I'm kind of excited for my first earthquake?

As an aside - Dominica, where Ross Medical School is located, is about 15 miles or so from the center of the earthquake, so wonder how bad they got it? There have already apparently been 2 more earthquakes around magnitude 5. We didn't get any of that here though.

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