Monday, December 21, 2009

In other news

Aside from my current disdain for Obama and the democrats, today was a pretty good day. We switched services today, and I'm now in the CCU (coronary care unit). For those not in the medical field, it's an intensive care unit for people with heart problems. The hours are better, there is far less running around the hospital involved, there are less people to deal with, there is no call, and there is good teaching. So, all around, I think I'll like this rotation much better than the other units. Unfortunately, I'm on this unit during christmas break, which means I spend half the time here. I would have rather been on the floor for the break, so I'd only have to be there for one week. But, I guess I'll have to take what I can get. The last two weeks, no one is rotating in the CCU, so I'll see if I can get myself back there again, since I didn't get as much time there the first time around! By the end of the rotation, I have a feeling I'll be more than ready to be done, so it might be a nice way to end things.

I also got to see a cardiac cath and bronchoscopy today. The doctors doing both procedures were very friendly and both tried to teach me as much as possible about the procedures. I've seen a cardiac cath before, but only from behind the lead glass. It was much better to actually be in the room, with the doctor telling me everything he was doing. He was way to fast for me to catch everything and remember everything he said, but at least I understood what was going on this time. Funny with every other specialty I've seen, someone has commented that I won't want to go into that field anymore once Obama is done screwing with reimbursements. I've been hearing an awful lot of negative lately about this health care plan and really no positives from anyone. Maybe that's because MOST americans are opposed to the healthcare bill and only 25% of Americans approve of the job congress is doing? Maybe the congress people should pay attention!?

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