Thursday, July 9, 2009

Almost there

I've got 4 full days left of studying now, before the USMLE on tuesday! I just took the USMLEWorld practice exam to see how it's coming along. I was going to take the NBME comp, but USMLEWorld is a little cheaper and the same length. Unfortunately, I'm now left a bit confused as to what my estimated score is. USMLEWorld gives you an estimated 3 digit score, but if you plug that into the score calculator that a lot of people seem to use (found here), it gives me an estimated score which is 10 points higher!

Obviously, I'd prefer the 10 point higher score, but either way, I'm doing OK. Not fantastic, but OK. Ideally, I'd like to get a 240 or so, but I would settle for a score in the 230's. Anything lower than a 230 is really not going to cut it for me though, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen! The comp shows that my weakest areas (by far) are micro and biochem. I was doing pretty well on those sections on USMLEWorld Q bank though, so I'm thinking maybe it's just been a couple days, so I've forgotten details. In any case, in the next 4 days, I will do a complete run through of pharm, micro, and biochem, at least once, to make sure I get all the last minute details. I'm thinking that will bring my score up 5-10 points, since many of the questions I missed were things that I definitely knew, but just slipped my mind.

If I do get another 5-10 points, and assuming the score calculators are at least moderately accurate, I will wind up with mid 230's to mid 240's. Mid 230's would make me happy. Mid 240's would make me VERY happy.

Oh, and even in the unlikely event that my score doesn't raise above the lowest estimate that I got tonight, it would still be looking good for Falcon! I'm already 40 points above my comp score from AUC!

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