Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello again

Sorry about the couple day absence; I didn't forget about blogging, I was just away in Paris for the weekend! First, the bad...I got sick, AGAIN!! It seems that I just cannot be healthy in Europe! I got sick the day before I left for Madrid, causing me to be sick the whole weekend, and got sick again on the way to Paris, again causing me to be sick for the whole trip. And then, to top it all off, when I got back from the trip and just wanted to go to bed, the train back to my town was not working. So, I had to take the tube and buses, which cost more and take twice as long! Then, the elevator in my building was not working. Today, since I've been sick now for over 2 weeks, I decided not to go into work, and instead waited 3 hours to see a doctor. In the end, I wound up with a prescription for acid reflux medication (which I've been buying over the counter, for too much money), and Augmentin, an antibiotic for probable bacterial sinusitis. So, hopefully it will all work, and I'll be better soon.

OK, now the good....Paris was as beautiful as I figured it would be, and the major sights are even more impressive in person than they are in pictures. It was cloudy and cold for much of the trip, but the weather did clear up while we were going up the Eiffel Tower, which allowed me to get some pretty spectacular pics. Unfortunately, I can't upload them until I'm home, since the internet here kind of sucks. I also had the most amazing hot chocolate in the world at a place by the Louvre, who's name I unfortunately can't remember. If you know the place I'm talking about, please leave its name in the comments. I know it sounds vague, but if you've been there, you know what I'm talking about! And, although I find the enormity of the Notre Dame cathedral a bit absurd, given that it was built to worship an imaginary man in the sky, it sure is impressive! I did find it a bit odd though that the place is loaded with tourists taking pictures, while services are going on. But, that did not stop me from being amongst the tourists taking tons of pictures! I also ate a bit of everything that I considered necessary in France, including French bread, croissants, French cheese, and French wine. All of it was equally delicious. I have no desire to go back to Madrid, but I would definitely like to go back to Paris one day, preferably with a girl this time, when the weather is a little nicer!