Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Artistic iPhone photos?

Not really, but about the best I could do with no flash and no editing.
This is from the wall by the bathroom...a bunch of tiles painted by little kids

I definitely do not like religion at all, but Christmas is just such a happy time. I do enjoy the decorations. :)


Chad A. Smith said...

For someone who is so anti-religion, it seems you have really taken to Christmas (one of the most religious gentile holiday). I guess it is easy to get pulled in by all the glitter and lights. However, it is still a celebration of the birth of Christ. Sound like Heather is very invested in her religion. It this relationship lasts, are you prepared to have little goyim running around your house one day?

Scott said...

I would argue that Christmas is far from the most religious of holidays, for most people. While there are people who actually celebrate it as the birth of christ, it's currently just about as much of a hallmark holiday as Valentine's Day. Pretty sure that Santa, reindeer, and icicle lights weren't part of Jesus' supposed birthday. I just like the pretty lights, time off from school, time with friends and family, and the fact that most people are pretty happy around Christmas.

Heather is not invested in religion, I can assure you. She's not even a Christmas/Easter Christian! I'm not worried about any little goyim running around my house any time soon.

Heather Nicole said...

I'm about as invested in my religion as I am invested in going more than 4 weeks without getting a pedicure........