Thursday, April 3, 2008

Goodbye Second Semester...almost!

In my disgust at this morning's MCB class, I nearly forgot that second semester is basically over! We still have exams left, of course, which means a ton of studying left to do. But, because the Friday before an exam is not mandatory attendance, today was our last day of new information for second semester! So, now that's left to do is a ton of studying, hopefully do well on the exams, and go home for a much needed 2 week break! When I come back, I'll officially be a second year medical student! I've gotta admit...I am a little surprised at how fast time has been going by here. But, given my opinion of the island and the local inhabitants, it can't go by fast enough!

1 comment:

Heather Nicole said...

I agree, it can't go by fast enough!!!! I love you so much and can't wait for you to be HOME!!! I'm so proud of you!

(PS - this is my mini blog on LD relationships while in medical school ;) Not as bad as we were warned it was!)