Saturday, September 6, 2008

What kind of doctor should I be?

Just out of curiosity, I took a medical specialty aptitude test to see what they thought I should be. The results were mostly as I would have expected. Number one on the list was pathology, but neuro, plastic, thoracic, and general surgery were all in the top 10, along with emergency medicine. At the very bottom of the list for me is pediatrics, general internal medicine, psychiatry, and family practice...all things which I could never see myself doing.

If you're interested in taking the test yourself, here's the link:


  1. Bahahahaha, it said I should do plastics!!!!!! I mean, seriously, the thing must be on drugs. Nephrology was 2nd place, which is something I am actually considering. But good grief, I am staying as far away from surgery as possible (no offense)! Hmmm... now that I've said that, just wait, I'll end up loving it :-P

  2. Great link!

    Found you via google 'what kind of doctor should i be'

    My results seem pretty good.
