Friday, September 5, 2008

Cheap food of the day: ribs

So I was told about this a while ago, but just remembered today while shopping...Food Express in Maho has a full, seasoned rack of ribs for like $3.50! I have yet to try it, but it looks delicious, and I hear it is. Assuming it is as good as it looks, this may turn into my new save-money-food. I'll be sure to let you know, along with maybe some pictures.

In other news, I am now an SGA class rep again. It didn't go so well first semester when I was a class rep, but all of that is behind me now and I'm giving it another go as a 4th and 5th semester rep. I think it will be a good time. It wasn't exactly hard to get since hardly anyone wanted to do it (it's probably the most work the last couple semesters), but I'm excited to be doing it again, especially since I really like the current SGA exec council.

Unfortunately, it's remained very gloomy looking outside (maybe because we're currently in hurricane season). Tomorrow is the Phi Chi/AMSA welcome back beach party, but I'm not sure that the weather is going to hold out. I hope it does! I guess we'll all be in the water anyway, so maybe it won't matter. If I remember, I'll take my camera and get some pics of the festivities.

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