Thursday, July 24, 2008

Odd day in med micro

It would appear that the professor from U of MD was a little too much into the clinical aspect of things and not quite enough into the USMLE aspect of things, as he is no longer with us. Instead, when we got to class today, we were told to basically disregard the notes we got from him, and Dr. B (from immuno) is re-doing everything (only a couple days worth)! Although I personally liked the guy, I've heard from Dr. S, and upper semesters, that whether or not the details are important in clinical practice (they're probably not), they ARE important for the USMLE. And, since we need to take the USMLE before any clinical practice happens, that's what we've got to learn. We haven't had Dr. B since last semester, so it was at least a nice change of pace. Not that there's anything wrong with Dr. S, but it's just nice to switch things up every once in a while. Med Micro is actually the only class we've had with just one professor for almost the entire semester. But, I suppose it makes sense, since Dr. B is the immuno expert and Dr. S is the micro expert. Also, since they're re-doing the last couple days of class, it will give me a little extra time to get better caught up on all things diarrhea (what we're currently learning about).

On an unrelated note, I've gotten comments that my blog has changed. Well, has, but I think it was for the better. It's probably a lot less humorous than it was (for some people), but it's also much less offensive to others. In the long run, less offensive seems the way to go. However, I will do my best to keep things interesting.


Trixie the Pixie said...

Hooray, diarrhea! All in seriousness though... a lot of what you learn is clinically applicable. I've been getting pimped on a ton of micro recently! And it IS great for the USMLE... if you remember most of it, you won't have to spend too much time studying it (and you'll have more to spend on other subjects that require that time). Anyway, good luck with the rest of your semester... Clinicals are much better and much more interesting, so you have that to look forward to! :)

Sunil said...

hey you...go read about