Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A short update, and congrats!

First off, congrats to Trixie (and many other people out there) who recently started their first day of residency!  I imagine it to be surreal, the first time you see your name as "Dr." on the schedule, and are given med students.  I'm definitely looking forward to a year from now, when I can see for myself.  It seems like just yesterday that I was stressing about getting into med school, and then starting, and then getting through first year, then through step one, and so on.  Now, the end is less than a year away.  Since I'm in OB right now, it may be appropriate to say that if you got pregnant today, by the time you have your baby, I'll be done med school!

There's really not much exciting to report about rotation though.  Today was a pretty easy day, with only one short surgery, leaving me some time to study.  My guess is there's going to make up for it tomorrow, but I can only hope that I don't wind up with my new least favorite OB surgeon...the one who doesn't think a student is his assistant.

Things with my electives seem to be falling into place nicely and if I can make one more thing work out, there's a chance that I'll actually finish med school at the end of February!  My two rotations at Hopkins are just about all figured out and unless something crazy happens, they should be settled (which is probably the most exciting part of my week).  Just over 2 weeks left in OB, then I'll be studying like mad for the USMLE all over again (step 2, obviously).  I'm going to keep myself sane during that month long period by reminding myself that I'm a 4th year med student!!

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