Thursday, November 12, 2009

stupid clouds

Yeah, I've heard that the UK is always cloudy, but I didn't really believe that an entire country could remain under perpetual cloud cover. However, despite a couple nice days here and there, that does seem to be mostly the case! I woke up this morning all excited because after about a week of bad weather, it was finally sunny. There was actually not a cloud in the sky this morning! But, on the way home, at only 1PM, I noticed that it was not nearly as bright outside anymore! Now, at nearly 4, the sky is completely covered in dull gray clouds again. It's pretty depressing.

What's not depressing though is how early we get out every day! I don't remember the last day that I was still at the hospital at 4. I'm not going to know what to do when I actually have to work a full day in my next rotation. Or, worse yet, actually have to work weekends! But, I do need to get some studying done today. I really want to finish reading the whole Blueprints Pediatrics book before I leave London...something which should definitely be possible if I can make myself read every day. I'm already over 1/3 done, and I didn't start until recently. So, I guess I should get to it...

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