Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm in London!

I guess I have a bit of catching up to do on here! I finished my psych rotation yesterday at 1pm and was on a plane here later last night. Unfortunately, it was an overnight flight, so I'm pretty exhausted. I've gotta say...I'm a big fan of British Airways, but I still cannot sleep on a plane. I was in coach, but the seats were more comfortable than usual, reclined about twice as far, had video on demand at every seat, and they actually served 2 meals! For free! And free alcohol!

I arrived in london at about 5am eastern time, 10am London time. It was a little over an hour cab ride to get to my hotel for the next few days, but he went through the city and showed me the sights. Although I still have to go back (probably tomorrow) to really explore and take pictures, I've already seen Westminster Abbey, London Bridge, London Tower, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, and a few other things. I also walked to Queens hospital, so I could get an idea of where I'd be working for the next few weeks.

The hospital is brand new, and looks it on the outside. The inside does not look quite as nice as a US hospital would, but I haven't seen the patient care areas yet either. I also saw a few ambulances, which were very different than what we have in the US! For one, they've got lifts on the back!! They NEVER have to lift a stretcher, which must be very nice. But, they're quite a bit smaller than what I'm used to at home.

I've gotten a few pictures of the hospital and Romford, but I forgot my memory card reader. So, getting a cheap one tomorrow is definitely on my list of things to do. Once I go into London, I can't imagine it will take too long to fill up the card. At the moment, I've got pretty decent internet in the hotel. So, I'm hoping it's at least this good in my apartment on Monday!

Speaking of hotels, this place barely qualifies as such. The staff is very friendly and I suppose it's got everything you need, but geez these rooms are small!! We're talking basically a double size cot, shower right behind it, and a tiny bathroom that you can hardly turn around in. Compared to this, a typical comfort inn looks absolutely luxury. I guess you could call it cozy though. I think it's time for me to go to bed! It's only about 6PM here, but I'm trying to get rid of jet lag!


  1. since so many people read your blog, you should make a post asking people for cars they recommend. All the cars I want are either too expensive, or missing 1 or so amenities that I want =(

  2. looking forward to your comments and thoughts on rotating GB style.

    which will you complete there?
