Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome to the First Semesters

Today, AUC was filled with almost 180 new medical students. As they do every September, they have taken over lecture hall 1, and my class has been moved to lecture hall 2. And for sure, it has never felt so good to be pushed out of anywhere! With them there, it means that I'm officially a 4th semester and only 2 semesters away from being done with the island forever! I definitely remember thinking, a year ago, that it would be really nice to be a 4th semester, but it was so far away. Well, it's hear now!

To the first semesters, my best advice (which I've given many times before) is just to make sure that you study every day and never get behind. Medical school is not hard, it's just a ton of information thrown at you at once. Fortunately, first semester is the easiest, so you get a little time to sort of ease into it, or at least as much as you can ease into medical school. Also, take what most of the upper semesters say with a grain of salt, particularly if they are complaining. For the most part, the teachers are very good, tests are almost always fair, and just about anyone who puts their mind to it can make it through. I have certainly done my fair share of complaining, and then some, but I'm still here, over half way done on the island, and doing well.

Don't be afraid to ask upper semesters for help or advice. We've all been where you are and most of us are pretty friendly! Good luck to all of you and welcome to med school!

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