Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Super Duper Colossal Burger

2 guys have put Chick and Ruth's Delly (my dad's restaurant) on YouTube while attempting to eat the Super Duper Colossal Burger. One of them succeeded. It's actually the first time I've ever seen the thing, aside from the picture on the menu. It's 3 pounds of delicious cow, plus some vegetables to make it healthy. I'm pretty certain that I couldn't even come close to finishing it, but congrats to the guy that did.

If you want to give it a try, head down to Main Street in Annapolis. It's great for people trying to gain muscle, since it probably has about a week's worth of protein in it. If you want to get your week's supply of dairy in at the same time, get the 6 pound milkshake to go with it.

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